37/365 – Beach Mama

Yeah yeah, I know it's been more than 37 days since I've started this little challenge.

I've forgiven myself. If I write 365 blog posts in ANY amount of time it will feel accomplished.

Isn't it just fabulous that I can post a blog from this very spot!?!? That's what I'm doing. Just posting. I have no content because: well, the moment speaks for itself and frankly, I want to just give it it's space.


34/365 – Sleeping Woes

Can't write.

Must sleep.

Baby keeps waking at night….so frustrating!

Is it a phase?

Will she grow out of it?

Probably. Yes. Of course.

Based on the feedback I get from friends with older kids….I'll hardly remember this struggle in a few months.

Our breastfeeding time is short, in the grand scheme of things. Everything will change when we stop. Just like embracing the time we need apart. Just like embracing "mommyitis". Just like embracing all of the unknown ahead of us…. this too, I shall [work to] embrace. My sleep will return eventually. Coffee and a workout did wonders today, I'm sure it will work for the next little bit as well.

Sweet dreams little one….

29/365 – Sleep “Training”

Sleep training sucks.

I don't know if there is a parent out there that won't admit to that. There is just something about growing up…. transforming from a super tiny human to a small human would have its pains I'm sure. I don't remember the experience myself, but I'm living through my daughter's experience of it right now. She happens to be sobbing and screaming from her crib as I write these very words. She gets quiet for a moment….and then, right when we might consider the job well done, she lets us know that she's still there. Probably standing up, holding the rail of the crib, plug in her mouth, eyes streaming with tears. The real ones of course.

In a way I'm glad we don't have a monitor. I only have to imagine, not witness.

This afternoon I fought a nap for about 45 minutes. Nothing consoled her, I tried my entire repertoire of tricks. She literally cried herself to sleep in my arms.

Ok, she's been going more than 5 minutes….daddy is going to check. It sounds like she's hyperventilating!!

Torture. Pure torture.

I know it's for her own good. She has a birthday twin at Momm's group who isn't a good sleeper either. Her mom is having a rough go of the training process and her doctor likened it to teaching your kid not to run out into the road after a ball. It's that important.

So this is the way we live for a while. Listening to baby scream herself to sleep 3-4 times a day. I won't lie, it wares on mommy. Deep breathing has never been so important in my life.

Poor girl….why does it have to be so hard?