25/365 – New Moon Intentions

In my Origin group we are encouraged to set intentions at the beginning of each week. I also see a lot of intention setting with the new moon. I guess, since everything seems to be culminating together tonight I will partake…

With this coming week I intend to focus more on moving with ease. With my body and mind. I will practice grace and gratitude so that I can more easily see what is abundant in my life and allow that to flourish. 

I will continue to enjoy playing mama with our almost nine month old(!!!) I will schedule her check up with her pediatrician, keep exploring new foods with her and call about the swim lessons. 

I will accomplish some wedding tasks:

1. Plant succulents

2. Call rental company

3. Call for desserts

I will move my body every single day. Yoga can be done while WB plays around me. Walk/jog when she gets up early. Figure out the bike seat and start bringing her along!  I will also respect the phase of my body and rest when it asks me to. 

I will be present and open minded with business discussions. I will dedicate specific time to discuss important projects and to map them out for the remainder of the fiscal year. 

I am already feeling empowered with this exercise. Fabulous! Feels good to lay out my intentions and makes me think I’m more likely to achieve them than I was when they were bouncing around in my head. 

11/365 – A Promise

I made a promise to my daughter today. I promised her that I would spend the next 10 years tracking and living life based on my cycle. I learned this morning about the super powers that lie (scientifically) within my natural being as a woman. I will no longer view my period as a plague, but rather as an opportunity to get to know my body for the masterpiece that it is. I am wired for success – in mothering, lovering, friending and businessing. My body works in a beautiful, cyclical way. If I learn to tap into the super powers that come with each phase of my cycle, I will be unstoppable. 

This is the perfect time for me to begin paying attention. It’s the exact time in my life where I am willing and able to make note of the symptoms and recognize the patterns. I am eager to learn and have lots of motivation. For one, I’m not ready to be pregnant again.  I was tracking before we started our family, but to avoid pregnancy. Obviously, it was not the right time in my life to pay such close attention. I also want to be an positive example for my daughter when it comes to the feminine cycle that will eventually begin to run her life as well. 

Society doesn’t paint a very pretty picture of our periods…it’s a subject shrouded in inconvenience, pain, secrecy, embarrassment and annoyance. Yet, it is as natural of a cycle as the human body possesses and it governs more of our happiness, productivity, health and wellness than we give credit. In order to instill even a remote respect for her cycle, I must do the same for myself. It will take time, and a bit of dedication (which will get easier as I get going). But before long I will have months of historical data to look back on to find patterns. I will begin to unlock my super powers as a woman. I have a predictable hormonal shift that, when considered an opportunity can be the fuel behind my ideas, inspiration and masterpieces. All I need to do is recognize it and follow my intuition, listen to what my body asks of me. Use the energies when they are ripe. Don’t pick at them too soon and don’t leave them to rot. It is as simple as nature, and makes so much sense to me now. How is it that we have been duped into thinking we were inconvenienced by such a gift? Recognize the flow, live by the flow and watch your life blossom. 

So I made the promise to her to figure it out for myself so I could lead by example. Who knows if she will listen or even notice until she’s my age. At least I’ll feel like I’m rocking through life with super powers! That’s got to help momming be easier. At this point, I’m ready to try anything (that makes sense, and this makes such good sense to me).